Saturday, September 15, 2007

Acid-Alkaline Balance

Proper Health starts with the correct acid-alkaline balance in your body. The pH level (acid - alkaline measurement) of our internal fluids affects every cell in our bodies. Extended acid imbalances of any kind can overwhelm your body, and lead to health complications.
Just as the body regulates its temperature in a rigid manner, so will it manage to preserve a very narrow pH range - especially in the blood. As a matter of fact, the body will go to such great lengths to maintain a blood pH of 7.365 that it will even create stress on other tissues, body systems, and organs to do so. Chronic acidity will interrupt all cellular activities and functions - it interferes with life itself.
When the pH of the body gets out of balance (too acidic), we may experience low energy, fatigue, excess weight, poor digestion, aches and pains, and even more serious disorders.

The cycle of acidity begins primarily as a result of three things:
1. Ingesting acids. Eating too many acidifying foods like processed sugar, meats, dairy, coffee, alcohol, etc. Create an acid ash in the body. These acids can overload the body’s ability to neutralize them.

2. Creation of acids. Pathogens and microforms create acidifying toxins in the body. As the body becomes more and more acidic, bad bacteria, yeasts and other microforms proliferate in the body. Since these organisms are living, they eat as well as create resulting toxins. These toxins are often very acidifying.

3. Improper elimination of acids. Not all acids are the same; some are weak and some are strong. Weak acids like citric acid are much easier to neutralize than strong acids like uric acid. The body uses many systems in order to buffer acids including breath, mineral reserves, and fat. When the body’s buffering systems become compromised, excess acids build up.
The process of reestablishing acid-alkaline balance begins with proper diet and nutrition. This includes eating alkalizing foods (vegetables, low sugar fruits, etc.), super hydration (drinking plenty of alkaline water that is ionic and structured), and proper supplementation.

Mineralize your body:
Every Sachet of O2 Berry contains calcium, magnesium, and over 70 trace minerals.
These essential minerals (electrolytes) become ionic in water allowing them to be absorbed quickly and easily by your body.
O2 Berry is delivered in a pure ionic form, which means it is immediately bioavailable to the body.
O2 Berry may also help your body to:
Assimilate vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat and the supplements you take
Combat arthritis and heart disease
Cleanse the kidneys, intestines, and liver
Protect your body from free radical cell damage
Increase muscle and joint mobility
Increase your oxygen levels
Control digestive problems
Regulate blood sugar
Manage blood pressure
Neutralize harmful acids that lead to illness
Help in fighting the battle against cancer and other diseases

Revitalize Your Body :
Higher Alkalinity = good health. O2 Berry transforms your water into a powerful alkaline beverage, which fights against the physical stress caused by today's fast-paced lifestyles.
It takes 32 glasses of alkaline water to neutralize the acid from one 12 oz. soda. Each time you drink acidic soda, coffee, tea, and energy drinks your body uses its own buffers (from bone and dna) to raise the body's alkalinity to maintain your healthy blood pH level of 7.35-7.45.
Drinking water with O2 Berry in it, can help the body restore it's mineral supplies to balance it's pH.

Delicious Berry taste helps you to drink more water:
O2 Berry adds a light Berry flavour to the water without any artificial sweeteners or colours.
As anyone with kids knows, getting them to drink more water instead of soda or sugary fruit drinks is a challenge. Adding O2 Berry's mineral benefits and flavour to water can help you and your kids drink more water and minerals every day.
The Facts:
"More than 1 in 5 Americans unknowingly drink tap water polluted with feces, radiation or other contaminants Nearly 1,000 deaths each year and at least 400,000 cases of waterborne illness may be attributed to contaminated water"
-The New York Times - June 2, 1995

You can clean your water with O2 Berry!
Transform your water!
Removes chlorine instantly। (Chlorine is believed to be one of the biggest causes of hardening of the arteries in the USA.)
Watch The Video Demonstration Below

Make O2 Berry water your daily source for hydration and refreshment!
It's as easy as 1-2-3!
Step 1: Drop a O2 Berry sachet ("teabag") in 500-750ml ounces of purified or bottled water.
Step 2: Shake for 10-15 seconds
Step 3: Allow 5 minutes for O2 to transform your water before drinking
Right now, the O2 Berry Product is only available to members of The Berry Tree.

Retail Product will be Available Soon
O2 ProFormance Hydration Unflavoured Now Available. Click Here to View or Purchase.
Dietary supplements cannot be used to prevent or treat any disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.

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